
acts_as_taggable provides a very easy means for tagging various objects in your Rails application. By using this plugin you can now add a tag to every object and even look at those objects from the tag's point of view; thanks to :polymorphic => true.

I was entertaining the idea of using tagging in a system that I am intending to build. There would be a very generic framework that consists of a certain basic element that can be tagged by different types of tags. I then realized that this was actually the opposite of what acts_as_taggable does!. acts_as_taggable defines a single tag type that can be applied to any object. This lead me to thinking, why not join both ideas? And hence the acts_as_taggable_tag.

acts_as_taggable_tag is not yet a module, but I couldn't resist the name ;). What it does is that it simply enables any object to act as a tag for another object even if it was of the same class or even if it was tagging itself! Thus implementing dynamic many to many associations across all your persistent domain objects through tags

The caveat though is that has_many :through does not play nicely with polymorphic associations as explained here . I ended up using only the join table (taggings in my case) and adding methods for retrieving both the objects that act as tags for the current object and the objects that are tagged by the current object

This implementation is a bit lacking when it comes to performance. What would make it sweet though is to enable :polymorphic associations with a has_many :through, looks like the next thing to dig into :)

Now for the code:

Person Class
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tag_joins,
:class_name =>"Tagging",
:as => :tagged_one
has_many :tagged_one_joins,
:class_name => "Tagging",
:as => :tag

def tags
self.tag_joins.collect { |tj| tj.tag }

def tagged_ones
self.tagged_one_joins.collect { |tj| tj.tagged_one }

Message Class
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tag_joins,
:class_name =>"Tagging",
:as => :tagged_one
has_many :tagged_one_joins,
:class_name => "Tagging",
:as => :tag

def tags
self.tag_joins.collect { |tj| tj.tag }

def tagged_ones
self.tagged_one_joins.collect { |tj| tj.tagged_one }

Tagging Class
class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base
belobgs_to :tag, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :tagged_one, :polymorphic => true

The code in the Person and Message classes is identical, now each of them has a list of tags and a list of tagged_ones each containing whatever objects of whatever classes that happen to tag or be tagged by the current instance of Person or Message

The Tagging class represents the double polymorphic association between the tagging object and the tagged one regardless of the Class. This approach can be used to implement all sorts of hierarchies among your persistent objects through tagging. I am using it to build a multi process project management tool, which through tags can create different views of the same data like an Iteration/Story one for something like XPlanner or a TodoList one for the BaseCamp style.

What's next is to look at how to modify AR so it will accept polymorphic associations with a has_many :through. But that can wait, I'm already glad that I can tag with such a flexible structure.

Happy tagging :)

Comment (1)

Nice blog,
please take a look at mine and link it up here if you think it of benefit.