Introducing GammaScript


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I have been experimenting with an implementation of the GAMMA formalism in Javascript. It is a VERY naive implementation that uses setTimeouts to mimick parallelism. Still it allows experimentation with the GAMMA and the chemical programming paradigm.

The current implementation can be found here. It provides a graphical representation of the multiset status (via the canvas element). A sample application is provided. An application that calculate the value for PI in a parallel way.

For the uninitiated, GAMMA provides a chemical like reaction model. For example, imagine that you have the following set (multiset) of numbers:
S -> 1,2,1,5,4,3,7,7,3,5,9,8,3,2,2,1,5

A GAMMA program to compute the max of this set would look something like this:
C: x >= y
R: x,y -> x

or the more concise:
x,y -> x for every x >= y

in GammaScript this can be written as:
var max = {
condition : function(x,y){
return x >=y;
reaction : function(x,y){
return x.consume(y);

As you can see, none of these dictates how the set should be traversed. It is totally left to the implementation. The current Javascript implementation provides pseudo (fake) parallelism.

I am considering a new implementation that utilizes Google Gears for true parallelism. And I need to refactor the view code from the core of the implementation.


To get the thing running you need to add data (comma separated) in the left box and click the (add) link. Then you should click the start button.

For the PI calculation programs that are supplied, you need to add a single element (the tuple [0,1]) and click add then start.

meOwns, a new way to express yourself


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Have you noticed the widget to the left of this blog? This is a list of the items I have in meOwns, the new way to express yourself via your belongings. This is a Ruby on Rails application that is still in early beta. Registration is invitation only currently. If you would like an invitation then please send me an email with "meowns invitation required" in the subject to oldmoe at (g)mail dot com

Another JavaScript session


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I have uploaded my second session on JavaScript to scribd as well. Please find it here

My Latest Javascript Session



I have uploaded the slides from my latest eSpace open session (this one about Javascript Internals) to scribd here. Please forgive the bad formatting. I hope this is useful (too many thanks for Crockford's writings, I would have been lost without those)

Sun is bringing Java to the iphone


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Here you can watch a video by a Sun engineer talking about the plans to port the JVM to the iPhone. I believe this can increase the available applications for the iPhone tenfold overnight. The challenge would be to make full use of the iPhone features like the multi touch interface and the accelerometer.

The iPhone SDK, Objective C and Ruby


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I bet many of you have already seen the iPhone SDK presentation already. I believe that many will be tempted by the platform. There are barriers for entry though. You have to do all development on a Mac, you have to have an iPhone (emulators are not for production testing), you have to be a partner in the Apple developer program and you have to write code in Objective-C.

Objective what? Objective-C is a language that sits on top of C++ C. It has some dynamic features and the syntax will instantly remind you of
SmallTalk. Actually I shrug to the idea of writing code that looks like SmallTalk with C++ like constructs. Sounds like sweet and sour Chinese food
to me (it reminds me of the ugly "new" operator that is off place in Javascript). But Apple has done a great job with Cocoa (the MacOS X interface toolkit) and CocoaTouch (the one designed for touch interfaces, iPhone, iPodTouch and soon iTablet). The API is very elegant and clean (I still yearn for the BeOS API though, will always do).

OK, what does this have to do with Ruby? Well, a very interesting project popped up in the Ruby core list recently. Apparently, Apple is integrating the whole of Ruby1.9 into the Objective-C runtime and it is calling the package MacRuby. Ruby code will have access to all Cocoa interfaces and vice-versa. This project is an open source one but is being spearheaded by Apple. All those actively contributing right now are Apple engineers. They are trying to expand the interfaces to their APIs and thus cater for more developers.

Will we ever see an iPhone shipping with MacRuby? Will we be able to write Cocoa Touch interfaces in Ruby? Imagine that, I will no longer be ashamed that I don't know shoes!